International Participation in a LARP Conference

Hi all!

NELCO is right around the corner. This year it’s scheduled for August 28th-30th.

For those unfamiliar, NELCO is the New England LARP Conference, the first all LARP conference in the US. It’s a fairly low key event, so most of the attendees are locals, but I thought it might be cool to get a more diverse (at least location wise) pool of people involved.

We’ve tried using skype/video chat in the past, but the internet connection at our current hotel puts a huge damper on this. But I thought we might try including non-live videos to enable more non-locals to contribute.

If NELCO put out a request for videos to be shown and discussed at the next conference (in about a month), would people would be interested in creating them? They could be about anything LARP related, and could feature one or more people presenting the topic

Here is last year’s schedule, for an idea of topics we’ve covered in the past:

We’ve never done this before, but we had a European LARPer who had moved to the US talk about European LARPs (especially ones in Germany) last year, and I thought it was really cool to get an international perspective.

I’d love to learn more about other LARP communities, but it doesn’t specifically have to be about “LARP in New Zealand” or “LARP in Wellington” (though it certainly can be!) if someone wanted to do a short talk about… say, managing economies in a LARP, or writing good villains in one-shot LARPs, or discussing issues related to social justice in LARP, or some unusual new format of LARP in their community or… anything! That would be cool, too. You could do a personal presentation, or organize your own panel and film it.

There is no current limit on the length of the video. If we get a handful of short ones, we may have a block dedicated to watching them back to back. If we get longer ones, we may simply give them their own block on the schedule, ideally with time afterwards to discuss them. I’d love to collect comments and questions from NELCO attendees to send back to
the source of the video, if they are open to it.

As I’ve said, we’ve never done this before, so if there’s interest, we might be sort of playing it by ear.

Due to issues with our usual hotel for NELCO, it got pushed off until the weekend of August 28th - 30th. And we are still looking for videos! Currently, we’re hoping for stuff in the 5 to 15 minute range, but we are flexible.

Feel free to post here or email me at fairescape at hotmail dot com or email the NELCO staff directly at nelco at interactiveliterature dot org with any comments or questions!